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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Chemical Peel?
A chemical peel treatment is a skin rejuvenating procedure, which makes use of mild acids derived from natural sources of varying strengths to exfoliate the upper layers of the skin in a controlled manner, followed by regeneration of new healthier layers. The chemical solution once applied to the skin, triggers the controlled removal of the upper layers. Chemical peel treatment is a standardised procedure that helps even out skin texture and improves its appearance. It also helps reduce the excess accumulated pigment in the form of spots or marks as it eliminates the layers of dead skin.


Do Chemical Peels actually work?

Yes! Chemical peels work through a controlled process of exfoliation. The chemical solution applied to the skin causes the targeted layers to shed, stimulating collagen production and cell turnover. This leads to improved skin texture, reduced fine lines, and a more even skin tone.


I'm worried my skin will peel off and I won't be able to go out!

Unlike older technology in chemical peels, the brand we use is designed to target the upper layers of the skin effectively, whilst resulting in a mild skin shedding result. With adherence to aftercare, ensuring hydration, it is likely you will only experience mild skin shedding which should not affect your day to day commitments. No snake skin shedding here!


What skin concerns will chemical peels address?

Chemical peels can effectively address a range of concerns, including acne scars, sun damage, uneven pigmentation, and fine lines. They can also improve the overall brightness and clarity of the skin.​


How long does the treatment take?
We allow 45 minutes for this treatment, to include time to discuss the skincare journey, and plan ahead for ongoing treatments where needed. The actual peel takes around 15 minutes, making it a perfect lunch break appointment!


How many sessions do I need?
This will be discussed at your consultation, with a tailored treatment plan created to ensure you achieve the best results possible.


Is a Chemical Peel only suitable for the face?

A chemical peel is a popular treatment option for the skin on the face and neck. It can also be used for treating skin conditions on other areas of the body, including the following:​

  • Arms

  • Back and shoulders

  • Thighs

  • Legs

  • Feet and hands


Is a Chemical Peel suitable for all skin types?

Yes, we offer different types of chemical peels tailored to various skin types and concerns. During your consultation, we will recommend the most suitable option for you.​​


Are There Any Side Effects or Risks Associated with Chemical Peels?

While chemical peels are generally safe, some potential side effects include redness, peeling, and temporary sensitivity. These effects are usually mild and subside as the skin heals.


How can I prolong my results?

To maintain your results, follow a consistent skincare routine, stay hydrated, and protect your skin with sunscreen (SPF 30 minimum). Regular follow up treatments can also help enhance and prolong results.


What happens at the appointment?

Every appointment begins with a thorough consultation, and completion of a medical questionnaire. We will answer any questions you may have, and we fully inform you of any potential risks and complications. We discuss realistic expectations so both parties are satisfied with the outcome. Once you have made an informed decision, you will sign a consent form and photographs will be taken as part of the medical record. 


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